DreamWall Winner of 5 Prizes at Broadcast Production Awards!15/06/2021

NewsCast Studio which is the biggest reference in broadcast publications, organizes every year ‘Broadcast Production Awards” in the frame of NAB Show. This contest aims at rewarding best innovations and creations in broadcast production!

This year again DreamWall took part to the contest and is rewarded with 5 first prizes!

In our flagship category “Augmented Reality  & Virtual Reality Design” in each of the 4 subcategories:

– In News with the New Weather Concept for RTBF

– In Sport with the concept of Augmented Reality in Stadiums

– In Entertainment with set virtual set designed for the 30th Anniversary of “Les Carnets du Bourlingueur‘ (The Backpacker’s Notebook)

And in Virtual Event with the Wallonia Exportation Virtual Event organized by AWEX

In the categroy “Set Design” in general in the subcategory “Corporate“:– Nissan Corporate online event  won the first price!


Added to theese first prices, DreamWall also got several honnorable mentions with:

EVS corporate event also in “Set Design“- “Corporate

-The Weather for RTBF got 2 honnorable mentions in “Set Design” – “International” and in “Set Design” – “Set Technology”

-Nissan virtual event got the honnorable mention in “Augmented Reality  & Virtual Reality Design” – “Virtual Event

This is an amazing recognition for DreamWall mastered and unique expertise in the field of Virtual Set design and Augmented reality!